Here's the second iteration of the Unnamed Rambles about topics that approximately two people care about.
The Switch
The Switch is complicated. If you don't know, I'm on Twitter a lot and its where a lot of my commissions and stuff come from (@peyton5chord). However, as many know, Twitter has been decreasing in popularity, its value plummeting, and other sorts of corporate economic dribble that not one of you care about. So I've been thinking of other medias to involve myself.
If you're unfamiliar, I have a Discord. This is my business Discord here: The Unnamed Player#6201, but if you want to be friends with me you should message and ask first about that.
But Discord isn't what I want, as its different from other social media in its own right. I want something to meet new people from something not server related. Twitter originally filled that hole, but I want something that doesn't practically enslave their workers (You should know how I feel in this situation based on some of my songs and their deeper meanings). So I thought instead, why not just come here? I have a little community for myself, and I'd like to become more involved with the Newgrounds community! I've always loved this site, being a fan of it since I was an unrestricted little kid on the internet.
The only issue is, and I know this, most of the people on my profile are only here for the music. They don't necessarily care about my posts, and I know this because no one really says anything on these little posts. Maybe I'll make a spoken word thing about this then, maybe then ya'll would fuckin' listen to me? (joking)
So basically, I was thinking of just going to this site for the remainder of my time on the internet (which will likely be as long as either I live or until society collapses).
The New
The New is something that does have relations to your pleasure in listening to music.
In the last one of these rambling topics, I mentioned how people wanted me on your streaming services like Spotify, Pandora, Amazon, and all of those. With the advent of one of my incredibly generous friends, they have offered to pay for it. Man, that is just... so nice of them. Thank you, MoldyFunguj! (That's his name, yes)
So yes, I'm now on these streaming services like Spotify and more thanks to Distrokid. This very generous donation-like entry into my life is something I needed, as I haven't felt entirely great as of late. This last half year hasn't been too amazing in terms of new music, the only exception being my Your Best Nightmare & Finale cover on Youtube, but that's it.
Well, of course the 17th place in the underground audio composition is something as well, but its not something where you meet someone you don't know online and say that, because then you have to give the whole context.
So, go listen to the Spotify stuff. If its profitable enough, I won't feel guilty by keeping this guy paying for it (even though he did offer it)
Now there is more, my very vague announcements about a new song coming out on the 10th. I'm keeping it vague, and I haven't even shown it to really many people because I really do want this one to be special. Last year, and really my big entry to this musical spotlight, I did a cover of Carol of the Bells. This year, I'm doing it again, but better. With my more advanced knowledge that I learned from the very nice judges at the NGUAC, I have some professional sounding full orchestral-rock arrangement that will also be on Spotify and other services.
Hey Alexa, play Carol of the Bells 2022 Arrangement by The Unnamed Player
i'm funni
Other than that, not much. Gonna take a break from music for a bit, let the ideas hit up again and then we'll get right back to it, full force and see what I come up with! Of course now I'll be on the streaming services, can't you tell how happy I am about that?
The Ugly
To put it bluntly, I'm completely burnt out on music. In the past month I have made... about ten commissions. Each 2 minutes, some 4 and one 3. I'm completely out of ideas and I have absolutely nothing. So unfortunately, I won't make anything until I do feel like it. I know, its unfortunate, but after I come back I have a real big special project today.
That's it ya'll!